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Litter Tips

Long Lasting Litter = Less Expense + Less Cleaning Time


How long does your litter last? And how much time do you spend cleaning the litter box? If you’re not sure, we need to chat. Because litter longevity includes both how much money you’re paying for litter and how much time you’re spending changing it. 

At Catalyst, we’ve heard it time and again, so we know a first glance at the price of our litter can result in sticker shock – “It’s $26 for 10 lbs of litter? But I only pay $23 for four times that amount of clay litter!” 

Hear us out!

Just checking the price tag in the litter aisle or online doesn’t tell the whole story. Just like at first glance, the average passerby wouldn’t know that you love your cat more than anyone has ever loved a feline in the history of the world. We get it.

If math isn’t your best subject, don’t worry – we’ve done the legwork! We’ll show that with Catalyst, you can pay just $12.35 a month, which is 43% cheaper than clay (and even more inexpensive than other natural and crystal litters!). When all is said and done, you’ll save money and time using Catalyst, and you can rest easy knowing your kitty has the absolute best litter on the planet.

Our findings show that one pound of Catalyst did the job of four pounds of clay, thanks to its high absorbency and superior odor control, as well as the dried pine wood that’s used to make Catalyst litter. We know some litters are highly moisture-absorbent, but if your litter box still stinks, the litter will get changed more often. That’s time and money spent in your litter box, and who wants more of that? 

Catalyst customers don’t have this issue!

We know no feline is average, so we recommend 10 lbs of litter per above-average cat in your home, per month. In our tests, 10 lbs of clay litter only lasts for a week, requiring 40 lbs of clay litter per month. A 40-lb bag of clay litter is still slightly less expensive than a 10-lb bag of Catalyst, but if you’re going through 40 lbs of litter per month, that’s a lot of money and time spent in your cat’s litter box. 

Still not sold? Don’t just take our word for it!

“Easiest kitty litter cleanup ever! It does a great job masking our cat's poo scent too (when he opts to cover it, but that's another story!). One other major pro is how long a bag lasts! We thought one bag would just about get us to the one month mark before the next bag came in. Our furry little dude uses the box 3-4 times a day at most, yet we typically get about 6 weeks out of a bag before needing to make a litter change. And not because of the scent, but because of how much is left after clumping and scooping.” – Caitlin A. 

“The thing I've noticed is, less smell, less complete litter change. I think the whole bag lasts about a month and a half ? Definitely worth the price!” – David M. 

“Wonderful quality, amazing product. Way better than even the clumping litter. And the odor control is amazing. No dust to deal with and all natural. Love the easiness of cleaning the box now and if I forget a day or two still no nasty odor or terrible clumps that get stuck. Best thing I did was switch and great delivery. I am always ahead on my supply and it lasts practically a month with 2 cats. Definitely solved all my “I hate scooping” issues.” – Leslie D.

“It is great at covering odors and using a larger slotted scoop I can clean two litter boxes in minutes. A full bag will last a month split between two large sized boxes.” – Nicholas

If you’re still wondering about pricing, we’ve got you covered. 

The easiest thing is to use our online cat-culator to determine your cost for litter and shipping (subscriptions ship free, by the way, and take at least 18% off the one time purchase price). Take a look to see how much you could save, keeping in mind the reviews above that indicate one bag of litter is likely to last longer than a month!

If you’re not so much for the research, let us give you our best deal. The best bang for your buck is the eco-hero subscription, which is delivered every other month – this minimizes shipping and transportation emissions – and will only set you back $12.35 per cat per month. That’s our best deal, paws down. 

Depending on the litter you’re currently using and how many feline friends make up your household, you stand to save some serious dough!

The proof is in the pine when you check out the cost comparison below. And even when you compare Catalyst to other natural, wood-based litters, we’re keeping costs low with our extreme effectiveness. 

Regardless of your specific circumstances, there is a purr-fect Catalyst litter for your needs, and it will work hard – up to four times as hard – as other litters! This leaves you with lower monthly litter costs and more time to do what you love!

There’s a reason we have over 1,500 five-star reviews from happy cat parents who will never use anything but Catalyst litter in their homes.

Join them in helping Catalyst overthrow the litter aisle and keep more money in your pocket while giving your kitties the best litter possible. 

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The Highest Performing Natural Cat Litter
on the Planet
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