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Catalyst Pet

4,000+ Reviews and counting!

The Highest Performing
Natural Cat Litter
on the Planet

No harmful clay dust, and soft on paws
Upcycled wood with a natural pine scent
Save 50% on cat litter every month!
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For 30% off your first subscription order,
use code CAT30 at checkout!
5 Reasons to Swap Clay
for Wood-Based Cat Litter
Thousands of cat owners everywhere are making the switch from clay to wood for
a more sustainable, healthier, cheaper, and better odor-controlling litter.
Better for the environment
Every year, 5 billion pounds of clay are stripmined in the US for cat litter, causing ecological harm. Not only that, clay litter does not decompose, filling up landfills for thousands of years!
Catalyst Litter is eco-friendly, made from upcycled wood waste that would have otherwise been thrown away. It's a sustainable choice that benefits both cats and the environment. Read more
Clumps solid for easy scooping
With wood-based litter, you don't have to sacrifice the benefits of clumping. In fact, thanks to our patent-protected formula, our wood litter clumps are even more robust and cohesive than traditional clay options. Experience the next level of clumping efficiency, powered by nature and perfected by science. Read more
Healthier for your cat - and for you too!
Bentonite-based clay litters can release harmful silica dust, harming cats and humans. Inhaled silica can lead to respiratory issues, while ingesting litter can cause cat stomach problems. Catalyst litter is free from silica dust and safe for ingestion, supporting better health. Read more
Never worry about smell again
Catalyst’s odor control means you’ll never have to worry about a smelly litterbox again. Amazing odor control is one of the things that existing Catalyst customers consistently rave about. That's because wood is much better at absorbing your cat’s *ahem* “stuff” than clay! Choose from 3 formulas that best fit your needs. Healthy Cat has a soft pine scent, Multi-Cat is great for households with more than one cat, and Unscented is purr-fect for a smell-free litter! Read more
Litter that lasts longer
We get it - at first, we seem a bit pricier than other brands. But don't be fooled! On average, we are at least 43% cheaper than other litters, making us the most affordable on the market! That's because we're so absorbent, so 1 pound of Catalyst does the work of 4 pounds of Clay. To get the real picture, you have to divide our price by four to get to the actual monthly cost.

See a price comparison against other brands!
Read more
(corn, wheat)
Sustainably sourced
Odor control
low dust
Cost per use
compare catalyst vs other litters
Clay Litter
Food (corn/wheat)
Sustainably sourced
From upcycled pine wood here in the USA 🌳
From environmentally devastating strip-mines ⛏️
Often from overseas from silicon mines ⛏️ 
From upcycled food/bio waste products
Returns back to nature - naturally
Thousands of years in a landfill 😱
Thousands of years in a landfill 😱
Returns back to nature - naturally
Odor control
You’ll forget you have a cat (until they snuggle with you). No, seriously. 🫧
Terrible smell, exacerbates the ammonia smell and mixed with a perfumey scent 💩
Not quite as good at odor control as wood - due to not being quite as absorbent 💩
low dust
Better for your cat’s health and your health without inhaling all that dust 😻😀
Feels like you need a gas mask when you pour, potential exposure to harmful silica dust 😷
Feels like you need a gas mask when you pour, potential exposure to harmful silica dust 😷
Cost per use
Just $12.35 per cat a month with our eco-hero (40lb) subscription! Plus it’s delivered to your door!💰
About $23 for leading brands, almost double Catalyst! 💸💸
$27 a month (over double Catalyst!) according to what people who have switched to Catalyst have said 💸💸💸
Light as a feather as 10lbs does the work of 40lbs of clay! 🪶
You’ll have to lug heavy jugs from the store and back - no fun! 🏋️‍♀️😩
Not bad in weight
Super great clumping with our patent protected formula 🧱
Clumping is fine
Clumping is fine
Softness on Paws
Like pillows for your furbabies toebeans 🐾
Like legos straight to you and your cat’s heels 🦵😣
Like legos straight to you and your cat’s heels 🦵😣
Safe if ingested?
Yes, it’s natural. 😸
Expands up to 15 times in the cat’s stomach 🙀
Can cause severe health issues 🙀

Soft Wood Cat Litter

Pelletized litter

zero tracking

No clumping

  • 24% cheaper than Catalyst clumping litter
  • 57% cheaper than Clay
  • Zero tracking, less time spent cleaning out your litter

zero tracking

No clumping

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Find out how much meow-ney you'll save with Catalyst!
How much money do you spend per month per cat on litter?
How many cats do you have?
Not sure how much you spend? Click on your current brand to fill it in (costs based on our survey of over 1,000 cat parents!)
Cost / Cat
Cost / Month
*Based on a survey of 1,000 consumers. We asked customers how much they paid per month per cat, and which brand they used. These are the results. All Catalyst numbers based on our Eco-Hero (40lb) subscription.
When you choose
on average you will save:
($12 in a month)
You`re doing great, now
your litter is the best option
Now let's find the right product for you!
Which one of these most closely matches you?
Tired of Subscriptions? So are we! Here's why in this case a subscription makes sense!
On average, our subscription options are at least 18% cheaper than buying it one time, and can be up to 53% cheaper! Regular subscriptions make sense for a product like cat litter, where your usage is predictable and regular.
You can easily manage your subscription from either the online portal or via SMS! You can always pause your subscription or skip a delivery at anytime, and it takes 5 seconds to do. Because we get it - sometimes your kitties go more or less. We also make it easy to cancel if you don't like the litter (but we're sure you will :)).
If anything goes wrong, know that by emailing or calling us 
at 1-844-LITTER (844-554-8837), you can always find a real, US based human at the other end on hand to fix any issue!

The Catalyst Experience

We think Catalyst does a great job by itself, but using wood litter has some differences to using clay litter. It's like using a smartphone - they're great at what they do, but your experience can be enhanced by a protective case and a screen protector. By using a wide-slatted scoop and a great litter mat, you can get the most out of the Catalyst Experience. We think that the scoop and the mat below are the best, since they've been extensively tested in our Cat Lab against all different types of scoops and mats, and have come out on top.

Specialized Scoop

You really benefit from using a wide-slatted, specialized scoop to deal with our clumps. Think of how often you use a scoop - and think of how much better your life will be with a much more pleasant scooping experience!

Natural Litter Mat

This all-natural litter mat is made from sisal fibers, which in our laboratory testing performed the best with reducing tracking from our litter, with reductions of up to 90%. Sometimes nature's solutions are best!

Catalyst Starter Pack

This premium scoop is a high quality, durable scoop with a wider frame to allow for easier sifting. The wooden handle and steel frame design will stand up to regular usage.

The mat is a tan sisal mat that is 24" x 36". It is designed to be natural for the cat, just like our litter, and it will help keep the home clean

If you're interested, we strongly recommend buying our starterpack at checkout.

When you buy our scoop and mat together in the starterpack, you'll save 16% off the price of both! More money for cat toys

Because we believe that you should enjoy the Catalyst Experience to the fullest.

Discover our newest addition:

Biodegradable Pet Waste Bags

Most pet waste bags you see on the market claim they're green because they're made from "65% recycled plastic", or similar claims. However, these bags still never biodegrade and fill up landfills. Try our Catalyst Pet Waste Bags that biodegrade in just 12 weeks - they control odors perfectly, and help save the environment
Biodegradable Pet Waste Bags
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CAT30 will take 30% off a waste bag
subscription too!
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What is Catalyst
made out of?
Our primary ingredient in all three varieties is clean, upcycled pine softwood. This material is sourced from regional sawmills converting what would have been waste into upcycled litter. No contamination is allowed in the wood: no paint, no stain, or any previously used wood.
How to switch to
wood-based litter?
learn more >
How much Catalyst litter do I need?
One bag per cat per month is the general rule of thumb. Our litter was scientifically engineered so that one pound of Catalyst does the work of four pounds of clumping clay litter. We love that efficiency reducing both production and transportation pollution.
How quickly will I receive my litter?
On average, the vast majority of people receive their litter within 3-4 business days, and usually sooner. Every order is processed to ship out within one business day after it is placed. It is shipped with the UPS three-business-day service and includes tracking and insurance. For your peace of mind, orders are tracked through the email or mobile number you provide to us.
Does Catalyst Litter work with the litter robot or sifting litter boxes?
Unfortunately, Catalyst does not work well with automatic litter boxes. We're working on something that could work in the future - stay tuned!
What is Catalyst made of?
Our primary ingredient in all three varieties is clean, upcycled pine softwood. This material is sourced from our parent company Lignetics, regional sawmills converting what would have been waste into upcycled litter. No contamination is allowed in the wood: no paint, no stain, or any previously used wood. The wood is captured straight off of a mill making Catalyst litter super clean and the litter and sawmill very efficient. Healthy Cat and Multi-Cat, in addition to the pine wood, include a natural clumping agent, zeolite and a mild natural scent. Unscented, in addition to the pine wood, includes natural clumping agent.
Is Catalyst more expensive than the average clumping clay litter?
Actually based on our surveys of over 1,000 cat parents, Catalyst litter will actually SAVE you money compared to the average clumping clay litter! We get it, the price seems high at first - but you have to divide our price by four to get to a comparable price to clay, and that's because Catalyst is four times more effective, four times more absorbent and lasts twice as long as clumping clay. On average, you'll save 43% per month vs. clay, 50% vs. other natural litters, and 54% per month vs. crystal litter (assuming you're on our 40lb+ per month eco-hero plan).
Which formula is right for me?
To keep it simple, we recommend healthy cat for cat parents with one cat, and multi-cat for cat parents with multiple cats, unless you or your kitty have a sensitive nose (or just don't love the lightly scented pine smell of our litter), in which case we recommend the unscented!
Is Catalyst biodegradable and compostable?
Yes. Catalyst Litter is biodegradable and can be composted. However, we don’t recommend using it as a compost in your garden or in any soil that will be used to grow food. All cat waste has a risk of carrying toxoplasmosis. When disposing of the litter, please follow all local regulations in your region. Our litter is technically flushable, many regulations and BMPs advise not to flush any litter. Please follow your local regulations and BMPs.
All orders will come in some combination of 10lb and 20lb bags (i.e. a 30lb order is a 10lb bag + 20lb bag, a 40lb order is 2 20lb bags). If you prefer to have everything come in 10lb bags instead of any 20lb bags, please email us at and we should be able to accommodate your request.
How is my Catalyst litter delivered?
Domestic orders are shipped via UPS. The shipping boxes are 100% post-consumer recyclable cardboard products. We also love that the UPS is already driving to our homes so adding Catalyst does not add trucks to the road.
Why should I subscribe to Catalyst litter?
Subscribe to Catalyst and receive at least 18% off your bag each month. If you need to pause, cancel, or swap your subscription product to a different formula, you can do so at any time. If you need to pause, cancel, skip an order or swap your subscription product to a different formula, you can do so at any time from either the portal or via SMS. We want to make it so incredibly easy to manage your subscription, you won't have to ever worry about running out or having too much ever again!
What sizes are available?
Our litter is available in order sizes from 10lbs to 80lbs per order. If you need more than that, you are welcome to use two orders for one-time purchases, or multiple subscriptions for subscription orders. All orders will come in some combination of 10lb and 20lb bags (i.e. a 30lb order is a 10lb bag + 20lb bag, a 40lb order is 2 20lb bags).
What makes Catalyst sustainable?
Most cat lovers are not aware that traditional clay litters are usually made of sodium bentonite, a mineral that is strip-mined and not biodegradable. A 2017 report reveals that more than five billion pounds of sodium bentonite is mined each year just for cat litter with the vast majority ending up in landfills—more than 125,000 truckloads each year. Catalyst solves this problem because it is biodegradable and does not require precious resources for its manufacture. In fact, the upcycled soft wood fiber used to make the litter is collected from wood processing facilities that would otherwise send it to a landfill. Because one pound of Catalyst does the work of four pounds of clumping clay litter, it also reduces pollution and carbon emissions that result from production and transportation.
The wood fiber starts out as a by-product from a sawmill on the industrial plant level. We then take these materials and upcycle them to create the litter. Because it is a by- product, we are not sacrificing additional materials from our beautiful planet.
Our motto around here is right on every package: Love your pet, Change your planet.
Is this litter safe for my cats to use?
Yes! Your cat’s health is of primary importance to us, and we only offer products that we know will keep your cat healthy and well.
Some customers have asked us about the safety of pine as a litter because pine contains phenol, which is typically found in the bark and needles of pine trees. Rest assured, Catalyst does not contain any phenols as we don't use any bark or needles in our product.
What size of litter box is Catalyst designed for?
One 10lb. bag of Catalyst is 1/3 of a cubic foot.
If using a large box (15x18 inch) 1 bag will fill the pan to 2.5-inch depth leaving 4lb. of litter remaining in the bag after filling. The remaining litter should allow the user to scoop and replace the litter over the next 30 days.
Can Catalyst be used for multi-cat households?
All Catalyst products can be used in multi-cat households. Our specific Multi-Cat formula has high clumping strength for more Cat traffic.
Is Catalyst litter low tracking? Does it stay in the box?
Catalyst is low dust; the challenges associated with airborne dust will no longer be an issue. For highly active and jumping and digging cats using a higher sided box and a tracking pad can help to reduce tracking. Catalyst should track either about the same or less than comparable litters.
Do you have international shipping?
At this time Catalyst only ships to households in the USA.