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Catalyst Pet

The Kitty Chronicles

Discover the enchanting world of feline wonders with our blog dedicated to all things cats
Recent Posts
We’re back with another entry in our series where you meet the people behind Catalyst Pet and the cats who inspire their work every day! Next up: Angie, our Northeast Transportation Lead, and her trio of feline companions—Frankie, Kitten, and...
Happy 2025 from all of us at Catalyst Pet!  If you haven’t committed to any goals or resolutions yet, allow us to help. Want to save money, promote health and live more sustainably? Switch to Catalyst Pet and accomplish all...
There’s nothing wrong with showing your kitty some love during the holidays and including them on your gift list – especially if they’re on the nice list. Even if they’ve been a little bit naughty (and don’t we know that...
Most Read Posts
How Much Cat Litter Do I Need? Litter-acy Q&A for New Pet Parents
There’s nothing better than a new kitten or cat to add to your household. For those who are cat parents for the first time, you probably have a lot of questions especially when it comes to their “bathroom.”  Let’s start...
How to Successfully Make the Switch to Catalyst Pet Litter

Nathan the Cat Lady shows how easy it is to make the transition to Catalyst Pet natural softwood litter!


Why Declawing Cats is Harmful

Here's why declawing a cat is never the right option...

Introducing the Catalyst Litter Scoop

Expertly designed with efficiency and ease in mind, the Catalyst Cat Scoop – brought to you by the makers of Catalyst Pet – is a simple and hygienic way to clean up your furry feline’s litter box.

Why You Should Leave Clay Litter in the Dust

Most cat lovers are not aware that clay litters are made of sodium bentonite, a mineral that is strip-mined and not biodegradable, but that’s not where the problems end. Clay litter can also be unhealthy for your furry feline.

Join the Cat Litter Revolution!
Revolutionary Stories
Which Type of Small Animal Bedding Is Best for Your Chinchilla?
Selecting the right bedding for your chinchilla, or "chins," as they’re affectionately called, is a vital part of ensuring their health and happiness. But, with so many bedding options available, finding the perfect match can seem daunting. Each type of...
Revolutionary Stories
Which Type of Small Animal Bedding is Best for Your Guinea Pig?
If you’re Dwight Schrute from The Office, there might be a black and white answer to this question. However, there are as many bedding options as small animals to use them, and it’s not always obvious which is the best...
Revolutionary Stories
More Than a Friendly Fur Face, Small Pets Can Improve Your Wellbeing
Does the following situation sound familiar? Child asks for a pet. Parent says no. “But I neeeeeeeeed a pet!” child hollers, barely holding back the tears and rage that will soon bubble to the surface. Needs vs. wants are sometimes...
Revolutionary Stories
Wood vs. Paper: Small Animal Bedding Comparison
Did you know there’s a debate among small pet owners regarding the best material for your furry friend’s bedding? That’s right, small animal bedding is a hot topic, and we’re here to sift through the pile of information and give...
Revolutionary Stories
How Often Should I Change My Small Animal's Bedding?
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘happy pet, happy life?’ We didn’t think so. We just made it up to help discuss rules of paw and claw for cleaning your furry friend’s habitat. Catalyst makes small animal bedding—our latest and...
Revolutionary Stories
Experience the Douglas Difference with Catalyst’s New Small Animal Bedding
There are tons of wood-based small animal bedding options on the market, but until now, none used Douglas fir. Why? Why not? is the better question.Catalyst Pet recently added small animal bedding to its lineup of sustainable, high-performing pet products,...